La protagonista de la última transformación física y baja de peso que sorprende a internet es Jennifer Ginley, una joven que logró bajar más de 60 kilos para lucir estupenda en su boda.

En su momento más complicado la mujer llegó a pesar más de 120 kilos y tenía que usar extensores de cinturón de seguridad, no cabía en los asientos en parques de diversiones e incluso se negaba a darle el sí a su novio Luke, por miedo a hacer el ridículo con las fotos de la boda.

Lee también: Mariana Di Girólamo reveló cómo logró bajar de peso sin dietas estrictas

Pero luego de ver unas vergonzosas imágenes de sus vacaciones, decidió dar el paso y cambiar su modo de vida, para lucir maravillosa en su matrimonio.

“Cuando me encontré comprando ropa de talla 26 para las vacaciones que había estado esperando durante tanto tiempo, supe que algo tenía que cambiar. Tuve que pedir un extensor de cinturón de seguridad en el avión, no pude disfrutar todo y sólo podía montar en los juegos con asientos ajustados para gente más grande y quedé horrorizada cuando vi las fotos”, recordó Jennifer en entrevista con el medio británico Mirror.

“Una foto mía con la Sirenita – mi personaje favorito de Disney – en realidad me impactó. Me veía tan mal y poco saludable que lloré, preguntándome cómo y por qué me había hecho eso, vi una nueva luz“, agregó la muchacha.

Después de eso y en compañía de su madre y su hermana se unió al popular plan Slimming World, y se transformó en la mujer que más peso perdió durante 2016. Dejó la comida chatarra y la cambió por comida fresca y nutritiva y aprendió a cocinar. Pronto su vida había cambiado para siempre.

#mondaymotivation Well done to anyone beginning their weight loss journey now, it will be the most worthwhile and incredible thing you’ll ever do. After that picture on the left was taken in January 2015 it took me four more months of comfort eating and trying to ‘diet’ before walking through the doors of my @slimmingworld class. If you scroll down my page I’ve wrote about different parts of my journey under each transformation picture. 💙 My journey in a nutshell – I’m 5 foot 5 “, without exercise I lost 9 stone 1.5 lb in one year, I went on to lose a little more in the following couple of months and my overall loss is currently 9 stone 11 lb. I went from a size 24/26 to and 8/10 in one year purely with food optimising 💫 I want to give you all a little warning that I wish I’d of had – do NOT compare yourself to anyone. Especially if you are following SW instagrams for guidance and inspiration, even more so if you’re new to SW. Do NOT compare your food intake to target members who have changed their relationship with food, and are smaller so have different nutritional needs! I posted EVERY single thing I ate from joining for 18 months (May 15 – Nov 16). If you scroll back you’ll see that after weigh in I’d have a high syn treat for the first couple of months and I ate lots more food. Your needs change and your intake adapts. When you start don’t look at extra easy SP, don’t reduce your intake when you remain hungry, if you want a huge bowl of pasta, a huge jacket potato or 15 syns a day have them!! Don’t worry that others aren’t eating the same way. TRUST the plan and adapt it to your own needs. Food optimising is bloody brilliant, the free food, unlimited concept is revolutionary for us food lovers. Just do as it asks and fill yourself up of speed free foods first. With a big bowl or pasta have lots of veggies/salad; same with any other meal. @slimmingworld turned me (a notorious weight loss failure) into a person who trusted themselves with food and it gave me a new healthy relationship with food. Take it one day at a time and remember WILLPOWER IS LIKE A MUSCLE, THE MORE YOU USE IT THE STRONGER IT GETS 💫💪 I know you can do it!! 😏❤

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

#transformationtuesday Left – January 2015 feeling so uncomfortable and unhappy. A few pounds away from my heaviest weight, four months before joining @slimmingworld 😞 Right – August 2016 feeling so comfortable and happy in my own skin, confident ahead of walking down the aisle as my best friend’s bridesmaid 👸 🔹 The physical change feels crazy, I sometimes double take at my own reflection, my mind still hasn’t caught up! BUT the biggest change is my MIND! I now actually believe myself when I say ‘I will…..’. I’ve never been so proud of myself, I could literally write a book on my weight loss attempts. I got to the point where food had to be ruled out, in my mind that was the only logic, I had no control!! What do you think I done after Cambridge weight plan, lighterlife and celebrity slim? Binged and gained more weight! THAT is not normality and it was reinforcing my belief that I had NO control. Forget DIETS, join SW and food optimise your way to a strong mind and health boy! 💫 🔹 SW is a revelation and it made me trust myself with food. There were times I genuinely thought I’d never be capable, I hated my false promises of starting a diet every Monday, much more than I hated how I looked. 😥 🔹 Plus I spent one year socialising all whilst gaining this new me! I didn’t become happy once I reached target, I became happier with every single day of my journey. It doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time to go from self destruction mode to WILLPOWER of steel but you CAN DO IT! Seriously if you knew the old me you’d believe me when I told you if I can anyone can. I’m 5 foot 5, I was 19 stone 4 lb, I’m now HALF that (9 stone 9 lb!) and got here without exercising. Find me a better food plan that food optimising?! I think you’ll find yourself unable. HAPPY TUESDAY BEAUTIFUL HUMANS! Have a GREAT day on plan, flex that will power and go to bed proud of yourself ❣️ 🔹 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfollowers#slimmingworldtarget#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#weightloss#weightlossjourney#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

“Mi novio Luke y yo hemos estado juntos por más de 11 años y siempre solía disuadirlo de proponerme matrimonio porque yo no podía imaginarme a mí misma como una novia con la talla que tenía. Alcancé mi objetivo de peso en poco más de un año después de unirme a Slimming World y, justo antes de Navidad, Luke me pidió que me casara con él. Fue una sensación tan increíble poder decir ‘Sí’, sin ni siquiera pensar un segundo sobre mi peso, y no pude esperar para ir a comprar mi vestido“, señaló la feliz muchacha de 26 años.

Wedding celebrations have began. ❣👰🏼 Our for dinner this evening with the families and bridal party. SO excited for tomorrow. Just look how beautiful my best friends are. 😍 I always cut poor Luke’s hair off in photos! I’m 5′ 5”, he is 6′ 5”. 😂 #sozlad Food optimising until tomorrow buttttt we did walk past an amazing homemade ice cream place on the way to dinner, so don’t be too shocked if I post a picture of me enjoying mint chocolate deliciousness later on this evening. Everyone else is eating there and I’ve worked hard to get to the bottom of my target for this weekend. 😁🍧 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#slimmingworldinsta#swinsta#swfooddiary#foodoptimising#slimmingworldfood#slimmingworldfollowers#swmafia#swfriends#swfamily#weightloss#weightlossjourney#losingweight#cleaneating#healthyfood#fooddiary#willpower#onplan#targetmember#swtargetmember#slimmingworldtargetmember#mybestfriendswedding#weddingweekend#itsfinallyhere#mybestfriends

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

#mondaymotivation The left ‘before’ picture came up on Facebook memories yesterday, that was me exactly 2 years ago. Just under 4 months before I joined @slimmingworld for the final time. I was in a Chinese restaurant with my sister and friends. I was really shocked when I seen it. I have lotssss of before pictures because my weight never made me shy away from the camera but I would hide my torso when I could. A side picture really shows my size. As you can see my belly is literally touching the table, it used to touch my steering wheel when driving too. I carried probably 4 stone plus around my torso I’d say. When I look back I remember those moments, that little internal moment of dread in my mind. I would literally dread seeing the photo. 😔 I truly didn’t like how I was living, I weren’t happy overweight at all. Food controlled me and I thought I was so in love with it, I could never change. And what happened?! My love for food remained and I got to target. You see I used to think food to love was the worst type only. That night I would have ordered a couple of starters, a meal with chips, fried rice, soft noodles and I would have had a dessert. I’ve eaten at that same resteraunt a few times since and food optimised my way through, enjoying myself MORE as I didn’t leave feeling sick from too much food or regretful from my choices, I left feeling full and proud. I have changed my attitude. No matter what change we try to achieve in life, if we are negative we’re our own worst enemy. You cannot look at your salad, vegetables and fruit etc. and think ‘diet’ food and other negative stuff. Get your mind in a better place and you’ll truly enjoy every day. Now I look at my food and feel so proud of how nutritious it is and how much goodness I’m giving my body. That’s when the weight falls off, it is minimal effort with a positive mindset. The most amazing thing with @slimmingworld is that I lost all that weight whilst eating out, having indulgences and living life to the max. I became a more social and positive person ever day. Food no longer controls me! I live in true contentment 🌈 WILLPOWER IS LIKE A MUSCLE, THE MORE YOU USE IT THE STRONGER IT GETS 💪

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

#transformationtuesday On the left is me one month into my final SW journey (June 2015), I had already lost 1 stone there! I had a full week off plan, gained 5.5 lb, got straight back on plan when I got home and lost 5.5 lb the following week! 👌 Right is me NYE just gone, wearing my size 6 top from @riverisland and a size 8 skirt. It was the first year since I was 13/14 years old that I weren’t going into the new year with the dreaded ‘lose weight’ task hanging over me! 😆 In all honestly I sometimes wondered if this would ever be my life, if I’d ever be capable to get slim and stay slim. I owe my whole life to @slimmingworld as it truly made me trust myself with food, it allowed me to conquer my food issues. Do not for a second think any of the target members had a straightforward run, that we had bucket loads of speed free food and amazing losses each week. I’d lost 1 stone in 4 weeks at that point in my before picture, I had never lost that much before, yet I still plated up 2/3 plates of beige food and 2 plates of desserts that week on holiday. Your food addiction, issues, whatever you want to call them don’t disappear overnight. You have to be consistent and calm. I say calm as one week you may not get the weight loss you deserve and you might want to turn to your old friend, mega syn food for comfort, don’t, I guarantee you, you will feel worse. You know what I literally used to say out loud to myself when faced with temptation?! For example – *sees pizza* ‘oh my god, look at that, I love pizza but you know what I love more?! Losing weight’. I’d think of stepping on the scales and pizza became less attractive. It worked a treat, I had to remind my dramatic food loving self that it is only food! Pizza isn’t going anywhere, I’ll eat it again in the future but I had to learn every single time I seen or felt like pizza I couldn’t have it. Developing a new mentality and strength is hard, it takes time but you are seriously doing the best thing ever. I was a notorious failure; normality, happiness, health and ultimately your weight loss dreams are possible with @slimmingworld 🌈 Remember willpower is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets 🦋

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

#facetofacefriday On the left is a few days before I joined Slimming World, I was fed up, always exhausted and completely ruled by food. I remember taking that picture as sort of ‘before’, just to remember those days when I decided to rejoin. I felt embarrassed going back and rejoining heavier than ever but aren’t I glad I did?! I was so fed up of wasting my life overweight. Well done to you January joiners, I didn’t join until May, I failed a few more diets, tried SW from home and comfort ate for another four months after New Year! We all have those moments where we have to go THAT IS ENOUGH. If you have reached that point, never forget it because it will fuel you on when you have difficult days. I do it even now!! When I’m tempted by something that will take me off plan for no good reason I say to myself ‘Jennifer don’t you think you’ve had enough of *insert bad food* in your time?!’. I need that type of mental reasoning. It’s not depriving myself, it’s knowing when indulging is worth it for my own mentality. I NEVER want to feel out of control ever again and I simply won’t let food ruin me the way it used too, I always have that little voice inside my head that reminds me ‘it’s only food Jen’. 👊😊 One thing I really hate (and I hate that word) is when assumptions are made that you’re not enjoying yourself if you’re not indulging in food. For example eating out and food optimising your way through it. OF COURSE you are enjoying yourself, you’re with friends/family and fulfilling your hungers needs with delicious food. Do you need that 45 syn dessert to go home and know you’ve enjoyed yourself?! NO! Don’t let anyone place their ‘enjoying yourself’ models onto you! Especially a naturally slim person who has never had food issues. Maybe they can go into a restaurant and order a 3 course mega syn meal and come out physically and mentally unscathed. I can without doubt do that now at at target (or in weight loss mode on special occasions) BUT it is difficult mentally to do that in weight loss mode without doing any damage. YOU CAN ENJOY your life whilst gaining control and health, and achieving you dreams with SW 💫💓

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

“Siento que soy una mariposa, saliendo de mi capullo. Podré tener ahora la mitad de mi tamaño anterior, pero siento que soy el doble como persona”, concluyó la novia.

#motivationmonday My Mum & sister are going to kill me for making this before picture public but I think it shows how far we have come! #pleasedontshoutatme 😂😁 Myself, my Mum and my sister are all @slimmingworld members, we all joined for the final time together and never looked back. We have food optimised our way to a lighter, healthier version of ourselves and we’ve never been happier. We are food optimisers for life. 💛 The above picture was taken on Christmas Eve 2012, believe it or not this was not me or my sister at our heaviest!! I don’t think my Mum gained much more weight, but I joined SW at a size 24/26, those pyjamas were a 22/24. I actually don’t recognise myself when I look at that photo. I look like I’m on the brink of a weight related health problem, at the time I just couldn’t see it. I was just in a cycle of bad eating, failed weight loss attempts and in a mood of utter hopelessness, I was overweight for so long. After being diagnosed with an underactive thyroid gland the beginning of 2012, I added that to my list of excuses of why I couldn’t lose weight. – ‘Too busy to cook as I was so busy with my degree’, ‘I work so hard, I deserve to eat whatever I feel like’, ‘my pill is an appetite inducing one’, the list was endlesssssss! ❌ The sooner you be your own best friend, realise they’re all excuses and commit to changing yourself for the better for your whole life (not an event, not to impress anyone else), the sooner you will achieve your dreams. Every single human is capable of losing weight. Slimming World has created this plan which in my eyes is nothing short of magical. You can have a little bit of what you fancy, you have food groups that can be enjoyed in unlimited amounts. Take that food plan and run with it, no deprivation required. Myself, my Mum and my sister had that after photo taken on Saturday a combined 16 stone lighter, all thanks to @slimmingworld and our commitment to the plan. 💖 #slimmingworld#slimmingworlduk#iloveslimmingworld#weightloss#weightlossjourney#beforeandafter#weightlosstransformation#transformation#weightlossmotivation#bodytransformation#weightlossinspiration#9stonedown#greatestloser2016#womanoftheyear2016

Una foto publicada por Jennifer Ginley, 26, Liverpool (@slimming_world_jsg) el

“La dieta”

Lo que comía antes de la dieta

Desayuno: nada

A media mañana: papas fritas y chocolate

Almuerzo: sándwiches comprados, comida de café grasienta, comida rápida.

Media tarde: tartas y galletas de crema

Cena: platos para llevar chinos, pizzas o comida congelada más bebidas gaseosas

Noche: Más papas fritas, tostadas blancas con mantequilla

Lo que come ahora

Desayuno: avena con fruta fresca, avena cocida con frutas o salteado al estilo Slimming World

A media mañana: fruta

Almuerzo: quiche casero, sopa de verduras o sándwich de atún en pan integral

Media tarde: porción pequeña de chips de papa

Cena: salteado de pollo, spaghetti con salsa boloñesa, estofado de carne o tortilla con ensalada

Noche: fruta fresca cubierta con yogurt, pequeña barra de chocolate