Una sorprendente foto de un parto se ha viralizado en las redes sociales. Se trata de un registro publicado en Instagram por la agrupación Gather Birth Cooperative, conformada por cuatro mujeres que se dedican a hacer seguimiento a los partos.

En la conmovedora imagen compartida, se puede ver a una mujer sentada en el inodoro en pleno trabajo de parto, siendo fotografiada por Meredith Westin en el momento exacto en que tiene una contracción.

En el registro se aprecia cómo el abultado vientre se contrae, mientras es ayudada por su doula, una mujer que acompaña a la madre antes, durante y después del parto.

“Miren este cuerpo en trabajo de parto”, señala el escrito junto a la foto, agregando que “la parte más difícil del nacimiento puede ser apartar el camino de nuestro cuerpo. La fuerza en esta foto es física y mental. Es inconmensurable”.

La agrupación agrega que “una doula está ahí para ayudarte a recordar tu fuerza cuando se siente imposible. Sabemos que puedes hacerlo. Lo estás haciendo”, finalizaron.

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Look at this birthing body at work. A good doula knows how to help birth keep moving (like suggesting the always amazing toilet position), but also knows when to stand back, let you get in the zone and rock your birth. The hardest part of birth can be getting out of our body’s way. The strength in this photo is physical and mental. It’s immeasurable. A doula is there to help remind you of your strength when it feels impossible. We know you can do it. You are doing it.⠀ ⠀ Photography and Doula from Gather Birth Cooperative | Minneapolis, St. Paul Birth Photography + Doula + Postpartum Sessions + Film + more⠀ ⠀ @gatherbirth | gatherbirth.com⠀ ⠀ [image description: A woman sits on a toilet, her pregnant belly bulging with a contraction. Another woman, a doula, sits across from her rubbing her legs.]⠀ ⁠⠀ #minnesotaborn ⠀ #birthwithconfidence #birthwithoutfear #empoweredbirthproject #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #birthbecomesher #birthundisturbed #strongasamother ⠀ #birthphotographer #mnphotographer #doula #birthdoula #mamahood #motherhoodrising #tribedemama #motherhoodintheraw

Una publicación compartida de Gather Birth Cooperative (@gatherbirth) el

Pero no es la primera foto sorprendente que publica la agrupación Gather Birth Cooperative, ya que en su Instagram se pueden ver varios registros de partos naturales, sin filtros, solo mostrando lo que es la naturaleza de traer un hijo al mundo.

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This first latch. It looks different for everyone. For some, it takes place in the stillness of their home. For others, it’s in the quiet of a recovery room after meeting their baby. Some people work to latch their little one among a flurry of activity in their hospital room, staring into their baby’s eyes. Some wait a little longer while their baby gets stronger, full of anticipation. For a few people, that latch is easy, for many more it takes a lot of practice. On the last day of World Breastfeeding Week, here’s to the first latch. ⠀ ⠀ Gather Birth Cooperative | Minneapolis, St. Paul Birth Photography + Doula + Postpartum Sessions + Film + more⠀ ⠀ @gatherbirth | gatherbirth.com⠀ ⠀ [image description: A woman sits in a birth tub nursing her baby. The baby’s umbilical cord is still attached to the placenta, which floats in a bowl on the white vernix flecked water. A midwife’s hands stretch into frame to check on the baby.]⠀ ⠀ #firstlatch #feedingwithlove #worldbreastfeedingweek #waterbirth #waterbaby #minnesotaborn #mnphotographer #birthphotography #whynothome #homebirth #midwifery #empoweredbirthproject #birthwithourfear #birthundistrurbed ⠀

Una publicación compartida de Gather Birth Cooperative (@gatherbirth) el

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GIVEAWAY! Help us launch Gather Birth Cooperative with a bang! Follow us at @gatherbirth, like this photo, comment on this post answering the question and tag a friend to be entered to win one of several prize packages valued at $200. . For an additional entry, share this post in your stories and direct your followers to our page. . You can enter multiple times with additional comments. Winner will be drawn randomly from the entries and messaged directly on Aug. 17th. Anyone is eligible to win: Birth fans, birth workers, parents, locals or people across the country! . Question: What was your golden hour (the first hour after birth) experience like with your babies? What do you hope it will be like? .⠀ Gather Birth Cooperative | Minneapolis, St. Paul Birth Photography + Doula + Film + more⠀ .⠀ @gatherbirth | gatherbirth.com⠀ .⠀ [image description: A woman lays back into the lap of a man as they rest in blue birth pool. A baby rests on the woman’s chest, it’s cord still attached to the placenta, which has yet to detach. The man and woman are smiling.]⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #goldenhour #skintoskin #birthundisturbed #birthphotography #minnesotaborn⠀ #motherhooduncensored #motherhoodrising #whynothome #birthwithoutfear

Una publicación compartida de Gather Birth Cooperative (@gatherbirth) el

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The real “first look” photograph.

Una publicación compartida de Gather Birth Cooperative (@gatherbirth) el