Jacqueline Adain es una bloguera estadounidense que en su estado más crítico llegó a pesar 231 kilos, etapa en la que no se sentía a gusto consigo misma y no había nada que la hiciera feliz.

Fue en ese momento que ella decidió hacer un cambio, uno que le ha significado un camino de años pero que día a día le hace sentir más orgullo por los logros que ha conseguido a través de una alimentación saludable y el ejercicio físico.

De este modo, logró perder más de 140 kilos. De a poco comenzó a querer su nuevo cuerpo, y en un reciente viaje a México, se liberó de todas aquellas presiones que vivió desde que era una niña. Y es que posó por primera vez en años en un traje de baño, sin sentir la necesidad de cubrirse.

Estaba nerviosa al momento de quitarme el pareo y caminar a la piscina o a la playa“, escribió Adan en Instagram, donde posee más de 54 mil seguidores que a diario siguen su vida. “Me sentía aún como esa mujer de 200 kilos…fue entonces cuando pasó“.

Y es que cuando estaba disfrutando de esta nueva sensación, vio que varias personas a su alrededor comenzaron a reír y apuntar sus excesos de piel (casi 13 kilos de piel sobrante, un efecto secundario de su drástica baja de peso). En esta situación, ella podía dejar que estas burlas la amedrentaran o simplemente seguir fuerte tal como lo había hecho hasta ahora. “Así que ¿qué hice? Respiré profundo, sonreí y caminé hacia la piscina. Fue un gran momento personal. Había cambiado, ya no era la misma chica insegura“, comentó a sus seguidores.

When we were on vacation in Mexico a few weeks ago, it was the first time I had worn a bathing suit in a long time, and it had been even longer since I wore a bathing suit without a cover up. I was nervous to take my cover up off and to walk into the pool or walk on the beach. I still felt like that same 500 pound girl…then it happened. A couple sitting by the pool started laughing and pointing at me and making fun of me as soon as I took my cover up off. So what did I do? I took a deep breath, smiled and walked into the pool. That was a huge moment for me. I had changed. I was not the same girl anymore. Yes I still have a lot of loose skin, I may still feel insecure at times, and yes I may still get made fun of. To be honest, yes it bothered me. But I was not going to let people like that affect me anymore! I am not going to let what other people think of me stop me from living my life. They do not know me. They do not know how I have worked my ass off to lose 350 pounds. They do not know how I am recovering from major surgeries. They have no right to sit and point and laugh at me. That's why I smiled. It does not matter what others say or if they try to doubt you or try to bring you down. What matters is how you react to it. How you feel about yourself. Loving yourself just the way you are is hard. Others might not like that. That's ok. I hope you love yourself. Love your body. I hope you keep doing you and just keep smiling! . . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #effyourbeautystandards #selfloveclub #selflove #lovemybody #lovemyshape #loveyourself #teamself #extremeweightloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #wlstories #onaquest #bodybuildingcom #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #bodyposi #transformationfitnation #motivationmonday #mondaymotivation #fitfam #fitspo #bodytransformation #igtransformations #transformationjourney

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) el

Pese a su valiente gesto, Adan admite que aún hay momentos en que se siente insegura y ofendida por las burlas de algunas personas mal intencionadas, sin embargo, esto no ha sido motivo para frenar su viaje. “No voy a dejar que lo que otras personas piensen de mí me impida vivir mi vida. Ellos no me conocen, no saben cuán duro he trabajado para perder más de 140 kilos“, agregó.

Hi! My name is Jacqueline! When I was at my heaviest I was over 500 pounds. It was hard to do anything and I definitely was not living the life I wanted. I was unhappy, felt stuck and did not love myself. Finally I decided enough was enough and I took control back of my life. As of today I have lost over 300 pounds. I am also in the process of having excess skin removal surgery. My journey was far from easy. It was filled with many ups and downs. It took hard work, sacrifice and never giving up, even if it was challenging. It took blood, lots of sweat and many tears. But I would not have changed a thing. It taught me to fight. It taught me to never give up. And most importantly it taught me to believe in myself! My journey is still far from over, and I still have a long way to go but I can honestly say I am doing so much better! Along my journey I did not only lose a lot of weight, but I gained my life back! There is no stopping me now! It's never too late to fly! . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #effyourbeautystandards #selflove #lovemybody #lovemyshape #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #extremeweightloss #wlstories #onaquest #bodybuilding #bodytransformation #bodybuildingcom #poparmy #transformation #transformationfitnation #trainlikeabeastlooklikeabeauty #transformationtuesday #tuesdaytransformation #fit #fitspo #igweightloss #fattofit #naturalweightloss #fitfam

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) el

Sometimes it's hard to look back at pictures of myself. It's hard to imagine weighing over 500 pounds. But that's me. Jacqueline. A girl who did in fact weigh over 500 pounds. Who had an unhealthy relationship with food. Who struggled to get out of the hole I dug for myself. I was good at making excuses and pushing my problems aside. I laughed it off when I was made fun of and acted like it did not bother me. But deep down inside, I was hurt. I was scared. I wanted to live my life again without my weight holding me back. I wanted to love myself again. I was the only one who was in control of my actions and my decisions. It was up to me. As of today I can proudly say I have lost over 300 pounds. No I did not have weight loss surgery. No I do not have any magic pills or secret tricks to how I lost the weight. I decided enough was enough and I took control back. I changed my diet and began exercising. Change did not come easy and it did not happen overnight! But change is possible. You have to be the one to decide you are ready. You have to work hard and never give up. You can do it! It's never too late to fly! . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #tbt #transformation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #extremeweightloss #fattofit #onaquest #onepoundatatime #onedayatatime #weightloss #wlstories #obesetobeast #bodyposi #bodypositive #lovemybody #lovemyshape #selflove #bodytransformation #bodybuilding #bodybuildingcom #blogilates #weightlossmotivation #weightlosstransformation #inspiration #fit #fitfam #fitspiration #fitnessmotivation

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline300lbDiet&Exercise (@jacquelineadan44) el

Por último, cerró su inspiradora publicación con un poderoso mensaje: “Ellos no tienen derecho a sentarse, apuntar y reírse de mí. Es por eso que sonreí. No importa lo que otros digan o si intentan hacerte dudar o tirarte para abajo. Lo importante es cómo reaccionas tú a eso y cómo te sientes sobre ti mismo“.

Cabe señalar que el año pasado su prometido comenzó una campaña de recaudación de fondos a través de la plataforma YouCaring, para poder costear varias cirugías que remuevan sus excesos de piel y que no están cubiertas por su seguro médico. Adan ya se ha sometido a cuatro procedimientos de este tipo y se estima que necesitará unas dos o tres más.