Courtney Maguire (30) es una mujer de Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos, que logró bajar más de 70 kilos tras superar serios problemas de alcoholismo.

La mujer tuvo que lidiar con su adicción al alcohol, además de ser una adicta a la comida chatarra, lo que hizo aún más difícil su drástico cambio.

Lee también: Acusan de racista a Miss Bélgica por referirse a un hombre de raza negra con feo emoticón

Hoy, la norteamericana se ha hecho famosa en las redes sociales por haber logrado bajar 74 kilos, según consignó el medio británico The Daily Mail.

Su aumento de peso comenzó en la Universidad, cuando comenzó a beber en exceso y a alimentarse mal. “Podía ir a los locales de comida rápida y pedir cinco porciones, y había noches en las que me las comía sola. Comencé a desarrollar una actitud compulsiva por comer”, precisó.

El 2009, Courtney se sometió a una banda gástrica ajustable para perder peso, sin embargo, los médicos decidieron removerla en 2012. Dos años después, alcanzó a pesar 140 kg, lo cual la deprimió mucho y le causó severos problemas de salud.

Aburrida de su condición física, Courtney decidió dejar el alcohol. Posteriormente se realizó un bypass gástrico en 2014. Hoy, la joven pesa 66 kg y muestra una figura completamente distinta a la que tuvo en el pasado.

Tonight’s topic: confidence. I’ve been thinking about this term a lot lately because it’s been used a lot by friends who congratulate me on my journey and it’s a very real truth and a very real gain. A big part of me wants to feel shame for having confidence, I feel like I have to feel shame that it took me to get to a certain aesthetic look in order to feel confident and that because I feel confident now that I am encouraging this idea that I shouldn’t have felt confident before at my heaviest size. But that’s not entirely the case. I follow several women who are heavy and have an incredible amount of confidence, as they should. I am constantly inspired by them, because it takes so much self love to feel confident no matter what you look like, and that takes work. I wish I had more confidence and self love when I was heavier because there is no reason on earth I should have hated myself the way I did. But I was far from confident because I was sick, mentally and physically. I had severe depression, not just weight related and I had major health issues. I had friends who reminded me every day how beautiful I was and I never believed it myself. Today I have confidence, and yes it’s partly because of how I look but it’s also because of how I feel. I am healthy today, I have a self awareness I never thought I’d have and a love for my soul, which speaks volumes on the outside I believe. I didn’t allow myself to have that before, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t have it’s just not part of my story. I’m not perfect and I will NEVER forget where I came from, but today I can be confident to love who I am and what I look like and remind myself to not feel shame and for anyone going through what I’ve been through, I want you to know, confidence doesn’t have to happen after you get to a goal like it did for me. You can allow to have it Happen now, you just have to work on it. Be kind to yourself, you’re a great person, you have a purpose. . . . . . . #heavylifting #girlswholift #curvy #weightloss #wls #weightlossfam #worthy #fattofit #fitfam #finallymotivfated #fitspiration #getoffyourass #getup #healthy #happy #diet #extremeweightloss #nutrition

Una foto publicada por Courtney Maguire (@miss.ittybitty) el

Debido al exceso de piel que le sobró en su cuerpo, Courtney se hizo una abdominoplastía y además se puso implantes mamarios, y hoy, se encuentra más feliz que nunca estudiando un posgrado en enfermería.

“Muchas veces no quería darme cuenta de lo gorda que estaba. Evitaba los espejos, la pesa, las fotos… cualquier cosa que hiciera que me hiciera ver todo lo que había subido. Tener citas era complicado. Me rechazaban constantemente por mi peso, y quienes accedían a salir conmigo, usualmente veían mi peso como un fetiche”, indicó Courtney al medio digital.

“Esas personas decían que me preferían grandes, lo que a su vez promovía el hecho de que me alimentara tan mal. No me apoyaban cuando intentaba hacer dietas”, agregó.

La enfermera confesó que si no hubiese dejado el alcohol, bajar de peso hubiese sido imposible. “Ahora me traslado en moto, algo que jamás me habría atrevido a hacer antes. Lo más importante que he ganado en esta transformación es el amor que ahora tengo por mí misma”, concluyó.

Takin it back. 👊✌️#throwbackthursday

Una foto publicada por Courtney Maguire (@miss.ittybitty) el

OK, it’s the day I’ve been waiting for, the day that the pain and mess from everything has finally caught up with me. I’m still not in excruciating pain but everything else is just uncomfortable and I feel gross. No matter if I shower. My stomach still isn’t swollen but my upper half is because I wasn’t taking it easy enough, I would grab things for myself and lift things maybe 7 lbs max like my computer. Im taking arnica tabs all day for swelling and i know its helping. I’m not very good at asking people to wait on my every command. It makes me feel uncomfortable especially if I feel capable and able. All I’ve been doing is drinking juice and water and I still feel extremely dehydrated with dry mouth. I’m brushing my teeth 5 times a day and still feel dry and disgusting. I woke up from a terrible night terror last night, literally felt like I was trying to be murmurdered in my sleep. Not sure if that’s from the hydrocodone or not but I’m going to try and get off that now and switch to Tylenol. I haven’t had a bm in 5 days, so we’re going to have to go through great lengths today, that will be exciting. I’ve done everything, miralax, dulcolax, milk of magnesium, fiberone, fruits, veggies, coffee. Nothing. So today is suppository and tomorrow an enema. Sorry for tmi, just being transparent with you. My legs are sore and tight from sleeping on my recliner, I need someone to stretch me. I’m still very happy with my results and have zero regrets, today is just the day where I’m supposed to have a bad day with it. I’ll be OK. Just today, I’m going to complain.

Una foto publicada por Courtney Maguire (@miss.ittybitty) el

Una foto publicada por Courtney Maguire (@miss.ittybitty) el